The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
A $500,000 Covid bounty on your loved ones and our utterly corrupt media

A $500,000 Covid bounty on your loved ones and our utterly corrupt media

It’s no longer just people like me saying this. “It’s not by accident” - former BBC/Sky TV executive confirms the Mockingbird Media refuses to tell the truth on mRNA injuries. What else are they told

THE THESIS: The Party paid to get Covid deaths, Covid “cases” and Covid Panic Porn. They are also paying to keep the mRNA injuries and deaths wrapped up in the Propaganda of Silence(™). 


It’s my belief that living in spiritual blindness will eventually lead to complete blindness to truth. After all, God is truth. 

Deuteronomy 28:28-29

The Lord will smite you with madness and with blindness and with bewilderment of heart; and you will grope at noon, as the blind man gropes in darkness, and you will not prosper in your ways; but you shall only be oppressed and robbed continually, with none to save you.

Romans 1:20-22

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools,

More on the consequences of Spiritual Blindness


First, the good news about free speech. This is fantastic! 

Twitter and Facebook and YouTube lose; the First Amendment wins; A federal appellate court just blew up the absurd argument that the world's largest carriers of speech and journalism can censor views they don't like. Next stop, the Supreme Court

. . .. it’s also a starting point. WIth the exception of Gab and Truth Social, the social media companies are extensions of The Party. 

I call for investigations of all collusion between government and media. 

Yes, the Mockingbird Media is biased. That’s sort of old news

[AUDIO] - In March 2021, the mayor of Gila Bend, AZ – population under 2K – pleaded for help as Biden bussed illegal immigrants to the city without coordination. There was no outrage from Democrats. If you aren’t a rich, liberal community, they just don’t care. - from the Republican National Committee 

But, this is not simply bias we are watching and it’s not stupidity (at least not from the top). What we are witnessing ts a controlled-media environment. 

[AUDIO] - CNN’s Don Lemon tells royal commentator Hilary Fordwich the royal family should pay reparations — immediately regrets it

Finally, I am not alone is stating it that way . . . 

[AUDIO] -  Former ITV and Sky News boss Mark Sharman at a press conference (February 2022) on the CV scam.

He is addressing injuries and deaths from the mRNA clot-shots which the Mockingbirds all ignore

Teen Suffers Heart Attack After Cross Country Race, Baffled Doctors Find 2 Blood Clots and Blocked Artery

Even as they begin to tell some truths about the so-called boosters as did NBC 10 in Philadelphia -- thank you! 

[AUDIO] -  Dr. Paul Offit, one of the world's most respected vaccine experts, is now officially an anti-vaxxer!

Welcome to the club, Paul.

Now, people are beginning to talk openly about the Covid death $500,000 bounty The Party placed on hospitals. 

URGENT: Daniel Horowitz shared this from Dr. Lxx Fxx as to usual practice in hospitals when our parent, grand-parent, you, anyone, based on hospital COVID Protocol to collect the $500,000 per patient

$500,000 per COVIDized patient & thus the COVID Protocol to ensure they collected for each patient; this is why I have called for CEOs, Fauci, Birx, Bancel, Bourla, Francis Collins, all, to be JAILED!

. . . but, Mark Sharman, former ITV/BBC Sky boss could just as easily be addressing the dangerously corrupt color revolution agitators at the FBI

John Durham’s final act: exposing the FBI

Major Garrett is deeply concerned about erosion of what he chooses to call a democracy, so deeply concerned that he abides by the blockade of information on why people believe election fraud is rampant.  

[AUDIO] - .@MajorCBS warns of a dark political outlook “if we enter a phase of American life where either political party refuses to accept a fair and verified election simply because it lost, then we will dismantle democracy bit by bit before our very eyes.”

. . . if the Mockingbird Media continues to suppress the valid reasons for concern or, worse, to wrap them up as the elites saving us from ourselves, like Time Magazine did in their infamous piece on how The Party “fortified” the election of 2020, that will mean people will reasonably conclude the media is in on the theft. 

How is it that Zach Abraham and others like him tell more truth about how The Party conjures money and rewards itself with illegal infusions of conjured financial digits, than the entire Mockingbird Media class. 

[AUDIO] - People are shocked by their grocery bills. What can you do better and faster?”

BIDEN: “Inflation rate month-to-month was up just an inch, hardly at all.

. . . again, just like the black holes of trust in our election system, many people see what’s happening and, as a consequence, they know what the Mockingbirds are hiding. 

[AUDIO] -  With Housing Bubble 2.0 starting to crater and the Fed poised to trigger a new Great Financial Crisis, this Irishman's epic rant from 2008 is more timely and relevant than ever.

Alex Hilton on Twitter: My mum got this @BritishGas. This is insane.

It’s not stupidity and here’s more proof. The Mockingbird Media can report the truth--they haven’t forgotten how to do that--and, when they do so, it’s illuminating . . .

. . . but, all too often it is tied to another agenda,  like this: 

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