The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Be unbreakable and know how The Party is breaking an entire generation

Be unbreakable and know how The Party is breaking an entire generation


THE THESIS: The Party is creating the most breakable people we have ever seen. It is almost literally the reverse of the therapeutic process used to help trauma victims regain a sense of themselves by re-integrating the many parts of their personalities. We have all the basis we need to help ourselves; our children and grandchildren resist this. In accepting Christ and living in The Holy Spirit, we have a complete defense. 


2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!

How to Cultivate a Biblical Worldview; Scripture offers practical and accessible wisdom that enables us to consider everything we encounter in the world from a godly perspective – we call this biblical worldview. Here’s how to cultivate it.

Apologizing for the Gospel; Liberals demand not only that Christians apologize for individual evils, but the very message of Christianity itself.


The West needs to grow up; Robert Bly's'The Sibling Society' reveals how culture wars infantilise society


I find it useful, in trying to parse the madness of that culture war, to see the time we are living in as what I have come to call a culture of inversion. The West’s ongoing decline has caused its elites to lose faith in their cultural inheritance, and this loss of faith has now reached pathological proportions. As a result, the leading lights in Western society — the cultural elites, and sometimes the political and economic elites too — are dedicated not to upholding the cultural forms they inherited, but to turning them on their heads, or erasing them entirely.

In the 50 years I have spent on earth, most of it in post-imperial Britain, that loss of faith has manifested everywhere. If you want to “get on” in Britain — which means to win the approval of the upper-middle class elite which runs the show — it has long been an unspoken rule that you cannot be seen to commit yourself to any of the pillars of the old orthodoxy which two World Wars fatally wounded and the Sixties counterculture decisively finished off.

Patriotism, Christianity, cultural conservatism, sexual modesty, even a mild nostalgia for a vanished rural England or a love of once-canonical novels: all are more or less verboten, and the attitude towards them is rapidly hardening. Until recently simply giggled at or patronised, these kinds of views in the 2020s may see you labelled a “white supremacist”, or the more general but still-lethal “hater”. The old world is again running up like parchment in the fire, and nobody who wants to be part of the new one can be seen to defend it.

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This explains why, for example, a (white male) BBC editor would stand before an audience of mostly similarly pale-skinned people and explain that nobody wants to hear white men explaining things anymore. It explains why people would topple statues of long-dead slave traders whilst filming the whole thing on smartphones made by actual, living slaves. It explains taking the knee and decolonising the curriculum and cisheteronormativity and stale pale males and diversity training. All of this is not so much a desire for actual meaningful change as a giant rolling statement by those who control the levers of power in the post-Western West, a statement that says: We are the opposite of what we once were. We reject our ancestors and our history. We are now something entirely new — even if, as of this moment, we have no idea what.

Bly in 1996: “People don’t bother to grow up, and we are all fish swimming in a tank of half-adults. The rule is: Where repression was before, fantasy will now be … Adults regress toward adolescence; and adolescents — seeing that — have no desire to become adults. Few are able to imagine any genuine life coming from the vertical plane — tradition, religion, devotion.”


[AUDIO] - Watch 80-year-old defend privacy rights in so-called “trans” locker room controversy

An 80-year-old Port Townsend woman defended her right to privacy after encountering a biological male in a YMCA-managed shower facility. She was banned as a result. Julie Jaman retreated to the locker room after swimming laps at the Mountain View pool, which is managed by the Olympic Peninsula YMCA. She says she saw a “man in a woman’s bathing suit” who was “watching little girls pull down their bathing suits in order to use the toilets in the dressing room.”