The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Fathers of the Counter Revolution Unite!

Fathers of the Counter Revolution Unite!

Episode 148

THE THESIS: The ungodly cultural revolution The Party is waging on America can only be stopped by families committed to God, starting with us fathers.


Ephesians 4:25 

25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

Hebrews 4:12 

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.



The kids aren’t alright; Adults shouldn't capitulate to teen ideology

The Fake Christianity Ruling Class

Methodist Church’s Drag Queen pastor: “God is nothing. Queerness is divine.”

Don’t have sex outside of marriage 

Father's Day Crisis, as the US Leads World in ‘Fatherlessness’ - Bob Hoge, RedState

“According to Fox News, more than 18.5 million children are “fatherless,” and the United States leads the entire world in that category. Eighty-five percent of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes, according to the Fox News piece, as do over 70 percent of all adolescent patients in drug and alcohol treatment centers. 

Another cause of the decline of the American family is the anti-nuclear family message from Hollywood. There are many examples, but here’s just one: In this Buzzfeed article, the author describes how the days of “Leave It to Beaver” are gone, and most sitcoms and streaming shows now just stress how screwed up family life is. The writer concludes:”

‘I wonder what our society might look like if we saw all the familial humiliation and trauma playing out across our television screens — and perhaps in our own homes — and decided that enough is enough. There are more equitable, expansive, loving ways to live beyond the confines of the nuclear family.’”

Live the sanctity of marriage even when it’s painfully hard because there will be times in all marriages when it’s painful and hard

[AUDIO] - Model Carolina Lekker charges £1,400 to test if boyfriends or husbands are loyal to their partners.

"We call it a honey trap."


Teach the sanctity of life that can only be fully understood in the Christian context

[AUDIO] -  For Father's Day Weekend, MSNBC Urges Men to Support Abortion

[AUDIO] - DADS FOR CHOICE with W. Kamau Bell

We aren't incubators! Youth procession delivered baby dolls to Amy Coney Barrett. We aren’t protesting to change the minds of women-hating fascists.We're calling on the pro-choice majority, on YOU, to get in the streets to STOP #SCOTUS from overturning Roe - Rise Up For Abortion Rights

Instruct your kids to stand-up for those who cannot, to be the mercy they want to see in others and teach them that not title--not “teacher”, “professor”, “doctor” or “president--gives any person a right to abuse or belittle another. 

[Language warning] Mother of dead student issues tearful warning to NY private schools parents


Become discipled yourself and then disciple your kids through out their lives

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