The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
How to be a “virtuous racist.”

How to be a “virtuous racist.”


THE THESIS: The Party demands and rewards a certain type of racism and they will erase even the most brilliant, effective helpers of “minorities” if they fail to practice this “virtuous” racism. 




The Body of Christ is not to be divided. To do so is like crucifying The Lord Jesus again


Galatians 3:28


28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


Jesus paid little attention to tribal and “racial” differences. In fact, His first public statement that He was the Messiah was given to a Samaritan woman, a tribe of people traditionally loathed by the Jewish people of the day.


 I happen to love this depiction from The Chosen.




Professor Roland Fryar was helping black kids catch up with their peers in school. For that, he was praised. But, then Professor Fray made the big mistake of telling the truth about cops shooting black people. For that, he has been canceled by Harvard’s panel that contained at least two people whose paychecks depend on “virtuous racism.” 


[AUDIO] -  On Roland Fryar (h/t Sue Lani Madsen), quoting the documentary - "He was not a domesticated ‘Negro’" in the face of the soft racism of the DEI agenda driven by privileged black progressives making a living off the "soft porn of black pain."


Elson Musk is under attack because he is not controllable. So, they are thrilled to have the example of Musk refusing to be a “virtuous racist” which to attack his character;


Elon Musk's criticism of debunked 'Hands up, don't shoot' mantra triggers CNN's Don Lemon: 'Needs...context'


Glenn Greenwald: “When Parler became the single most-downloaded app in the US after Trump’s banning, Dems like @AOC demanded Google and Apple remove it from their stores. They wisely obeyed and Parler was destroyed. They’re trying to repeat this abuse of monopoly power to do this to Twitter.


Don Lemon gets paid a lot of money to practice “virtuous racism” . . .


[AUDIO] - Don Lemon: 'Hands Up Don't Shoot'—Fake But Accurate!


While King Randall, a young man building a Christian school for other young men is permanently ignored--or, sometimes attacked!--the The Party. King Randall refuses to embrace “virtuous racism.”


[AUDIO] - Fake care will only last so long in our communities. Nothing’s happening right now, so the streets are silent. We let them control our “activism” through the mainstream media.