How to spot the work of Cultural Revolutionaries and how to stop them
. . . and, today we can actually claim some victories in the fight against the Marxists
Episode 879 - The tools of the Cultural Revolution in America, how to spot them and stop them . . . (unless, of course, you are Nikki Haley who has only one thing on her political mind.)
Cultural Revolutionaries are trained to look at systems of power to find any leverage points they can exploit. They have found the mother lode with the scam of DEI, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity -- or, as I call it, Division, Insanity and Exclusion. It seems Target has been owned by DEI racists who munich longer than many people considered and their agitating extends beyond grooming kids, they have spent money pushing to de-fund the US Military. The reason DEI is so potent for Cultural Revolutionaries is because people placed in those positions are often there to be black, same-sex attracted and/or gender defiant; how can a person fail in a job like that, on what grounds could they be fired? When they do work at their jobs,their “deliverables” are to force people to do things to stay employed and to spend the company’s money with other DEI swindlers. These people are now warming up their attack on the Christian faith with a new slogan, Christian Privilege. Cultural Revolutionaries also have the constant help of professional bullies in government power positions. Consider California, where California state groomers redefine little girls’ breasts as invasive species (that is not an exaggeration of what the State has decreed.) For people attuned to what’s happening, the Cultural Revolution in America is the prime topic we must be actively fighting and people are effectively pushing back! Threat of ESG-Based Corporate Insanity Begins to Recede When Faced With Reality; Being identified as ESG-compliant may eventually be synonymous with being woke. You can ask Anheuser-Busch how well the woke identification has worked out for them and, as we talk about in the next Episode, we have even had a major victory in the rhetorical portion of this war. But, not Professional Republicans like Nikki Haley, her focus is elsewhere: Nikki Haley “A win for Ukraine is a win for all of us.”
What does God’s Word say?
Episode 879 Links:
“Power-mapping”: Twitter thread gives blueprint to beat the left at their own game…
California state groomers redefine little girls’ breasts as invasive species…
Jemele Hill reportedly leaves Spotify after demanding black people get paid the same as Joe Rogan…
Lori Lightfoot given pay-off by Harvard with a “teaching” “job.”
Lightfoot defends getting haircut during the “Covid” Lockdowns which she used to destroy small businesses
Elie Mystal Claims John Roberts 'An Enemy of Black People Voting'
Episode 880 - VICTORY! We now own the word “WOKE”, praise God! Keep the momentum up”: It’s PAST Time for Conservative Lawfare Offensives: Taking Back The Culture Series.
. . . speaking the truth works. When people finally started speaking truth--and all truth is God’s truth!--we finally started to claim some territory back against the Cultural Revolutionaries. Philip Bump’s claim, above, that “WOKE” doesn’t mean anything is 100% wrong. In the hands of revolutionaries it meant nothing because it was a word designed to hide the meaning of the actions it excused and empowered. When we began attaching to WOKE the ruinous work of wokesters, people began to turn against the Cultural Revolutionaries. Now, truth-telling is becoming contagious, thank God! An NBA star is speaking the truth and is convinced he can make money selling truth-baring merchandise. A 14 year-old schoolgirl from Ireland wrote the truth into a poem that women are reading on social media, where it is garnering tens of millions of combined views. Our truth-telling about the leadership of the FBI has 60% of Americans wanting the FBI reformed or shut-down. Even Professional Republican, Nikki Haley is being forced to acknowledge some of the truths about America’s ridiculously unverifiable election system. These are a few of the victories we will celebrate today.
What does God’s Word say?
The story of the Tower of Babel. Did God scramble the language because people were united or was it because of WHAT they united and did next? God told them to disperse, to go their separate ways and establish godly communities. Instead, they chose to stay and build a monument to themselves and their great cleverness.
Genesis 11: The Tower of Babel
How much of WOKE is described here?
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Episode 880 Links:
Majority Of Americans Want Corrupt FBI To Be Reformed Or ‘Shut Down’
Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill That Would Defund Public Universities That Limit Free Speech
New Democrat Bill Calls For Federal "Disinformation Experts," Creation Of "Behavioral Codes"
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