The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
How to turn fathers into murderers

How to turn fathers into murderers


THE THESIS: Separate countries like California, where it’s illegal for parents to resist the devil’s attacks in kid’s bodies and minds, dad’s will be forced to turn to violence in attempts to keep their children from being chemically and surgically mutilated. I am not hoping for that, I pray it doesn’t happen, but why wouldn’t a dad use violence in an attempt to stop a demonically-inspired attack on their child? 


Galatians 5:19-21

19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.


This was a revenge murder. While totally understandable, it goes against God’s Law. The Lord, alone, will have vengeance. I pray that Gerry Plauche has repented to Jesus and asked for forgiveness. 

SHOCK JUSTICE My dad shot dead pedophile live on TV after beast abused me – he was hailed a hero and a judge refused to jail him

But, if a dad did that to save a kid being chemically and surgically mutilated, that could easily be seen as defense of your child. I pray to God it doesn’t happen, but if you had a choice between your kid being mutilated for life and a so called “doctor” dying and you going to prison or being executed, what would you choose? 

If your kid makes it to the separate Country of California and is sucked into the lies of so-called “transgenderism”, you will be on your own. So, arms yourself with the armor of God and remember the real enemy is not of flesh and blood 

FACT: It is illegal for doctors to warn young people about the ill effects of being chemically and surgically mutilated -- it’s not just Covid dissidents who will be punished. 

Big Pharma is using The Party to steal your money as well as trapping your kids in bodies re-designed to mock God. 

In The Genital Mutilation Market, Business Is Booming

Yes, it was probably a Freudian slip, but the very definition of a Freudian slip is subconscious truth accidentally spoken 

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[AUDIO] - Pedophile teachers 

[AUDIO] - A male middle school student in @ConejoValleyUSD allegedly masturbated in front of female students. When confronted by parents, the superintendent defended the male student and said he “doesn’t think that this is anything outside the norm.”

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