The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Ignorance + Arrogance = The Biden / McConnell Deception

Ignorance + Arrogance = The Biden / McConnell Deception

THE THESIS: The Party has the perfect prop. Half of voters know Joe Biden is senile, unwell and a lifelong con artist. The other half of voters know he’s senile, choose to believe he’s honest and defend him because they have trapped themselves in a political tower of babble. 


Jeremiah 9:6

6 You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.

Bible Verses about Deceit


The Mockingbird Media and Mitch McConnell act un unison when they pretend Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are mentally fit and not hopelessly and obviously corrupt. They both embody the poison combination of arrogance and ignorance, 

[AUDIO] - Pelosi: "When I was a little girl, I was told at the beach if I dug a hole deep enough we would reach China. So we've always felt a connection there."

[AUDIO] - Biden says he wants to buy an electric Corvette, but can’t because he’s not allowed to drive while he’s Vice President

[AUDIO] - Biden Remarks on Inflation Reduction Act Drift off Into Delusion

One of Saul Alinsky’s techniques, so often used by the Clinton Cartel, is to accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty. It is obvious that the Biden Cartel is purely corrupt from the Big Guy on down, 

EXCLUSIVE: Report Shows Biden Admin Run By Former Registered Foreign Agents

VP Joe Biden met with two Chinese energy execs in the West Wing, who are linked to his son Hunter

From the Author, Josh Boswell: “Perhaps the most surprising thing about this was Hunter’s lawyer’s response when I asked him for comment”:

So steeped in lies is the City of D.C., that there is a senior level, taxpayer provided job for people to lie to the media on behalf of the white house. This particular spokesliar has her job for two reasons: she identifies as black (for she is clearly not a biologist or anthropologist) and she says she is same-sex attracted. This woman’s ignorance is on display every time she opens a notebook and reads from it pretending to answer questions and her arrogance shines as she parades it about condescending to the people who pay her. 

[AUDIO] -  The white house spokes-liar says people dropping out of the job market are teens

[AUDIO] - Then, the spokes-liar pretended gas prices are down . . . she gets Doocy-iedd 

Complexity is a scoundrel’s haven. Mitch McConnell gave the Democrats the CHIP Act--which forces taxpayers to give hundreds of billions of dollars to companies like Hewlett Packard--and that was the linchpin the Democrats used to pass the spending orgy hilariously called in Inflation Reduction Act. 

[AUDIO] -  Meanwhile, we have the lying, professional grifter, Mitch McConnell pretending he couldn’t have stopped the latest spending orgy by the people who run Joe Biden . . .  Powerline Blog notes

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sat for an interview with Bret Baier on Special Report last night. Senator McConnell himself has posted the video below on YouTube. In it he explains the Schumer/Manchin Bummer Beyond Belief light bill as beyond his power to affect. It is a reconciliation package that requires only the Democratic majority for adoption. “Reconciliation is something done by one party only,” McConnell explained. “There’s nothing we could have done to prevent the Democrats from doing a bill that only they will vote for — so it’s not a question of being played here,” he added. Translation: Republicans are innocent bystanders.

However, Senator McConnell vowed to stop any reconciliation bill before he and 16 other Republican Senators joined the Democrats to pass the CHIPS spenderama. The CHIPS spenderama was the predicate to the Schumer/Manchin deal. It was to be held hostage to prevent any reconciliation bill. See Senator McConnell’s tweet below.

So corrupt is D.C., so arrogant are the Republicans at the top, they are simply using the passage of the Bill, which Mitch allowed by passing the CHIP Act he wanted so he could hand out our money, that the GOP is already rabble-rousing for votes based upon its passage.

Republicans say Democrats will ‘pay the price’ in midterms for passing massive spending bill

As all of this has been going on, the purely corrupt FBI has been digging into conceal carry permit records in at least one State. But, because of the arrogance of the Deep State, disgraced liar Chris Wray refuses to answer the people’s questions about why he is doing that. 

[AUDIO] - The FBI wants to review the sensitive personal info of Missouri concealed-carry permit holders, and yet their director can’t answer simple questions as to why they need to review this info. 

@SenHawleyPress We know why.

Arrogance comes from the top . . .

[AUDIO] - An ATF agent showed up at a citizen's home to question him about a shotgun he was not "permitted" to have. The citizen called 911 and told them someone was at his door trying to take his guns.

Police end up ARRESTING the ATF agent.

Arrogance is at the very top of the political tower of Babble as the UN publishes workbooks to guide illegal immigrants up to the Southern Border of our Country

[AUDIO] - The UN made a booklet mapping out exactly how to get through MeXi o and cross the US border! Wtf? The UN needs to GO!

Revised National Statement of the United States of America on the; Adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration  -  December 17, 2021