The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
: J6 FBI non-testimony confirms my suspicions; Michelle Obama’s horrifying lockdown experience and more from the elites. Podcast family emails

: J6 FBI non-testimony confirms my suspicions; Michelle Obama’s horrifying lockdown experience and more from the elites. Podcast family emails


THE THESIS: If we want to understand the minds of these tyrannical elites, it’s helpful to think about toxic parents. No, they absolutely are not our parents or parental figures. But, THEY view themselves that way and they have been deceived into believing they have to hide things form us, even as we all know they are lying. The elites believe they need to steal our freedoms because we make choices they dislike and do things only they should be allowed to do. 


Many of these people are spiritually blind and cannot see the ruin they are causing. The rest are fully aware of it and have been so captured by evil, they enjoy it. 

50 Bible Verses about Blindness


So weird that the feds--which now deny Antifa is an organization--infiltrated these two groups well ahead of J6 and yet they just weren’t able to stop the so called insurrection attempt. 

[AUDIO] - Rep. Higgins: “Did the FBI have confidential human sources on J6?”

Wray: “The suggestion that the FBI's confidential human sources or FBI employees in someway instigated or orchestrated Jan 6th, that's categorically false.”

Higgins: “It should be a no!”

Feds Had Informants In Proud Boys and Oath Keepers for J6; Gamesmanship aside, it’s now evident the FBI infiltrated these two “militia” groups well in advance of January 6.

This is the result of a Mockingbird Media that has lost any connection to morality, let alone journalism. Election fraud has been a reality sine elections began. Democrats claim it just as often as Republicans. They difference is, The Party, mostly The Left of The Party, has done everything in its power to make election processes less secure and more ripe for fraud

[AUDIO] - Charles Barkley: "But this notion that unless Republicans win the election, it's stolen, we can't go on like that."

Maricopa election officials launched PAC in 2021 to stop MAGA candidates; The PAC called Pro Democracy Republicans of Arizona claims on their website that they are "fighting to keep our democratic institutions alive."

Election machines reported more votes than ballots in two Virginia precincts, nonprofit alleges; The two precincts were in Virginia's 7th and 10th Congressional Districts.

[AUDIO] - Michelle Obama explains to Stephen Colbert how her family got through COVID lockdown