The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
James Comey, I dedicate this Episode to you: “No reasonable prosecutor “

James Comey, I dedicate this Episode to you: “No reasonable prosecutor “


THE THESIS: The Party intends to bar Trump from running for President. If they succeed, they will announce to some 45-50% of people with center-right views, their solution is no longer in the voting “booth.” When a large group of people learn that they no longer have the vote, it is simply a matter of time until small cells of them begin to use violence. There are elements of The Party that have been courting that outcome for at least five years. God forbid they get it, but they are doing what would precipitate it.  

James Comey will be our guide in this show. We were lectured that Comey is a “good cop” and “unimpeachably honest.” So, when James Comery detailed the multiple National Security felonies Hillary Clinton had committed, and then said “no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges” against her, he set the bar. If this is all about “records retention”, then no reasonable prosecutor will prosecute. If it’s about something related to Jan 6, then the FBI can immediately raid Kammi Harris’s house since she is a major fundraiser for Black Lives Matter, Inc., and Antifa. So, let us all thank James Comey, “a good cop.” 


Isaiah 30:18

18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;

    therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.

For the Lord is a God of justice.

    Blessed are all who wait for him!

Romans 12:18-20

18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”


Does the FBI’s raid seem proportionate to some missing documents? A 9.5 hour search wherein the seized all documents?

Scott Johnson on what we know about the raid

. . . and where they banned Trump’s lawyers from observing and did not give them a copy of the search warrant? They also told President Trump’s staff to turn off security cameras (a demand the staff refused). 

FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

Even alcohol addled Nancy Pelosi knows how bad “FBI raid” sounds, she calls it a “visit.”

[AUDIO] - Mitch McConnell’s dear, DEAR friend, Nancy Pelosi refused to say “raid”, she pretends the FBI “visited” Maralago

A twenty-something McConnell staffer typed some words . . . 

Mitch McConnell’s comms team typed some words: “The country deserves a thorough and immediate explanation of what led to the events of Monday. Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice should already have provided answers to the American people and must do so immediately.”

Fresh from calling Lisa Murkowski a “strong leader”, Tim Scott wants us to trust the FBI until we have reason to not trust them . . . L.O.L. 

[AUDIO] -  Tim Scott says the American public needs to let the FBI’s search and DOJ investigation of former Pres. Trump “play out” before jumping to conclusions — adding that this could raise more questions about whether the agency is “doing their job apolitical.

Marco Rubio seems more clearly.

[AUDIO] - Rubio WARNS FBI will Target Trump supporters for criticizing Mar-a-Lago Raid — They want you in JAIL.

. . . but, Rubio fails to recognize the FBI and CDC are ALREADY punishing people who oppose The Party.

Julie Kelly warned them.

It’s good to see young conservatives who understand the stakes . . . 

Republicans Have No Idea What Time It Is - Shawn Fleetwood is an intern at The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action

“Taken collectively, the lackluster reaction from Republicans demonstrates once again that the party still doesn’t grasp the moment we’re living in. This isn’t 1990s politics anymore. The days of “bipartisanship” and “reaching across the aisle” are long behind us.

Democrats have repeatedly shown they have no interest in letting bygones be bygones. One needs to look no further than the left’s infiltration of major American institutions and amassing of power within government agencies, which they’ve actively used to punish their political opponents at every available opportunity. Whether it’s the FBI’s orchestration of the phony Trump-Russia collusion investigation or the IRS’s harassing of conservative Tea Party groups during the Obama administration, the message from leftists is clear: Take your Constitution and shove it.

For Republicans like Scott to suggest that agencies such as the FBI still possess any semblance of objectivity after everything they’ve put the country through the past several years is not only laughable; it’s indicative of just how out of touch Republicans are with the reality the country finds itself in today. Whether the GOP likes to admit it, America is engaged in a cold civil war, and all available evidence shows the left has no intention of backing down.

At the end of the day, Republican statements of condemnation and outrage over Democrats’ abuse of government powers are just empty words. Until Republicans learn to punch back forcibly against Democrats and punish corrupt DOJ officials for their criminal actions, leftists throughout America’s government will not hesitate to use every tool in their arsenal to go after anyone who stands in the way of their neo-Marxist utopia.

Unfortunately for those who love America, the GOP has largely shown it is both incapable and unwilling to do so, thus leaving an already-fragile country on the brink.”

Here is our Patron Saint of good cops everywhere. James Comey assures us that, even if the FBI finds hundreds of classified documents, “no reasonable prosecutor will bring charges . . .”

[AUDIO] - Remember when Jimmy Comey exonerated Hillary while admitting that she committed National Security felonies? 

[AUDIO] - James Comey: No reasonable prosecutor would bring this case

And, James Comey has back-up. The judge who signed off on the Mar A Lago warrant stated that bosses are not responsible for which documents their employees keep or don’t keep. So, even is DJT or his team destroyed evidence, not to worry!

[AUDIO] - Watch the mental gymnastics that Bruce Reinhart (judge who signed off on Mar-a-Lago warrant) goes through to defend Lois Lerner deleting two years of emails during the IRS scandal.

If DJT’s lawyers lied in defending him, no worries!

A former senior FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, who was found guilty of forgery in the Trump-Russia probe has been restored to “good standing” status by the District of Columbia Bar Association despite not fully completing his probation sentence.”

Remember how discarded FBI boss Chris Wray had to run to catch a flight while refusing to answer the questions of senators? Yeah … he was getting on the state of the art, private jet you furnish for him: Chris was taking a vacation. 

That 'Flight' Christopher Wray Told Senators He Had to 'Catch' Turns Into a Scandal

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