The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
James O’Keefe targeted by the “DOJ” , who will they go after next?

James O’Keefe targeted by the “DOJ” , who will they go after next?

THE THESIS: The “DOJ” will make an example of James O’Keefe. The Party created the Alex Jones precedent, they used it to silence others and now Jones is facing a $45 million judgment for defamation, but the Mockingbird Media has never paid a dime for their decades of lies. Now, The Party looks ready to indict James O’Keefe to kill Project Veritas and the message will be clear: never challenge The Party. 


Officials at the DOJ and FBI have been given much authority to steward. From them, much is expected. 

Luke 12:48

48 But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

The Lord abhors human favoritism and the is exactly what The Party is employing 

Bible verses about favoritism

As Christians we are supposed to be imitators of Christ who shows no favoritism, so neither should we. In Scripture we learn that it’s forbidden and it should especially never be done with children.

1. James 2:8-9 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.

2. James 2:1 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.

3. 1 Timothy 5:21 I solemnly command you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus and the highest angels to obey these instructions without taking sides or showing favoritism to anyone.


The Mockingbirds are afraid to ask who is actually running things in D.C., because it is perfectly clear it’s not the Figurehead

[AUDIO] -  "I took control. I shouldn't do that. I'm not allowed to do that," Biden says before his handlers kick out the press

. . . Bill Marh has become more of a journalist than 99% of reporters on the national level. Listen to Rob Reiner and Amy Kloubachar struggle to answer a simple question about the media and Hunter Biden. 

[AUDIO] - This is extraordinary.  Maher confronts Klobuchar and Reiner with an undeniable fact and they can’t help but sputter “January 6th!” They’re confirming what we all understand. Nothing matters as long as Trump and Rs are defeated.  Whatever it takes.

Real journalism is done by dissident journalists

[AUDIO] - Sharyl Atkisson: ”Sunday on Full Measure — Social Security Administration whistleblower John McAdams says he was told to ignore elderly widows getting cheated.”

Powerline: The DOJ is probably going to indict James O’Keefe and Project Veritas 

Let’s remember what is in the diary that was not, in fact, stolen but found under a mattress by a single mom who the DOJ took time to prosecute

FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower - National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of the diary our whistleblower identified as belonging to Ashley Biden

[AUDIO] -  Emily Jahinsky, The Federalist and Rising Friday on The Hill talked to Alan Desrhowitz about being at dinner with then-President Bill Clinton at which Clinton receives a phone call from Jeffrey Epstein and proceeds to have a 20 minute phone call with him

Berenson: “Journalists who hate journalists (and journalism)”

Expose-News: Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 “Vaccine?”

Julie Wolfe at KING-5 “News” in Seattle doesn’t seem interested in correct the puff-piece they did on Children’s “Hospital” chemically mutilating kids even after Jason Rantz published proof that UW and Children’s knew they were lying about it helping kids with depression and suicidal thoughts

[AUDIO] -  Netflix Lets Manti Te’o’s Catfishing Abuser Off The Hook Because He is a so-called “Transgender ‘Woman . . .’” 

‘Freedom of Expression’: Foggy Bottom Stands by $10K Grant to Queer Film Fest; State Department proud to fund festival featuring incest, pedophilia

[AUDIO] - Jamie Foxx doing an incredible impression of President Trump