The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
McConnell saved America: just ask him!

McConnell saved America: just ask him!

Episode 152

THE THESIS: Mitch McConnell is either too corrupt or too institutionalized to grasp the level of distrust his beloved institution has earned from the American people. He thinks he saved America by stopping a vote audit ad then pretending there are not election integrity issues. What he did was add more bricks to the wall between human beings and Washington, D.C.



[AUDIO] - Deranged MSNBC LIB: We've Got to Scare the Hell Out of Voters to Save Democracy . . . MSNBC political analyst Cornel Belcher freaked out that democracy is done for if Republicans win. 

[AUDIO] - Muy Macho Joe Scarborough Fantasizes About Beating Up Capitol Tourists Taking Pictures

[AUDIO] - Mika Leads 'Morning Joe' in Complaints Over Lack of January 6 Hearing Coverage

McConnell’s ‘Exhilarating’ Insurrection; When it comes to January 6, there are no coincidences. 

Ensuring a Valid Election - from December, 2020

This is a balanced, calm write-up of the election in Wisconsin. They say they cannot prove it was stolen, but it was a mess and that is not rare in the U.S

[AUDIO - Permanent Coup, Lee Smith] -  When the Russia hoaxters are in prison, we can start to talk about America being okay