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My response to Scott Adams, who said "'anti-vaxxers' were right" and he was wrong.

I appreciate Scott admitting this. Now, he should stop being arrogant about why we were right.

What a rare pleasure to see a successful man admit he got it all wrong. See his video, below.

How disappointing to see Scott delude himself into the idea that we got it right simply because we distrust government and big business while he followed “the” data.

Scott: I hope you will discuss this with me and others on Team Reality. Everything in the Covid response was unhinged, illogical and coated in thick, gooey propaganda. We saw that and are on record calling it out between one day and 72 hours after the first medically useless, politically motivated lockdowns.

As but one small example, we observed the Princess Cruise. A floating prison packed with people in the age strata most likely to die from or with the Covid Flu and most everyone lived. The Walking Dead this was not. Countless cases like that emerged but the Panic Porn was kept at full blast.

You watched “the” data? So did we but not “the” data, because the CDC hid that. We read as much data as we could independently find through some of the world’s best data analysts. Kids-were-never-at-risk, but the Mockingbird Media repeatedly told parents their kids would die painful, coughing, choking, blood-spitting deaths. One of the biggest risks? Lack of Vitamin-D. We watched doctors punished for saying that. We watched all-mask cities experience the same exact Covid growth curves as un-masked cities. We watched as the weather changed transmissibility as usually occurs with upper respiratory viruses. Scott: we didn’t just watch “the” data, we swam in rivers of it the CDC had condemned as dangerous.

But, nothing in the early parts of the Plandemic compared to the propaganda and idiocy of hard-pimping these injections. When the mRNA concoctions were announced, and we got a glimpse into their mechanisms, we knew they were a disaster; one simply cannot hijack people’s cells and make them create a harmful element—the Spike Protein—and NOT expect that to confuse the body’s immune systems. Further, it baffles me—and people far smarter than me—that anyone believed that making PART of the virus would serve to create an immunity to ALL of the virus. Once we developed these concerns, we began to read about leaky vaccines and how they are known to cause ADE (Antigen-Dependent-Enhancement). That is how we knew in advance these injections would make it more likely for people to get Covid.

This wasn’t good old fashioned government-doubting, Scott. We studied this in depth. That’s why we were right.

The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show