The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
On compassion Vs. Reparations and America Vs. The Government

On compassion Vs. Reparations and America Vs. The Government

THE THESIS: While I fully understand why people think and feel the opposite way, reparations are not compassionate, nor are they just. 


As formulated, reparations are not “ding for ‘the least of these,” they are formulated as revenge.

Matthew 25:45

“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

In America’s actual system--a Constitutional Republic--is it the right of government to punish people for doing nothing so they can pay people for something through which they did not suffer? 

Matthew 22:21

21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.

Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”


I honestly understand why people believe reparations are just. But, it breaks down in the details of how they are formulated and how they are being sold. 

People who did nothing will pay for the crimes of people they never met. This has been sold as revenge and, if this happens, it will only fuel the desire for more revenge. People have been traumatized into believing there is no racial justice in America. Young, black people have been taught there is no way for them to succeed without a form of financial revenge. 

California Determines that $569 Billion Must be Distributed to Descendants of Slaves

One of the head censors at Twitter--former censors, that is--shows himself to be both traumatized and self-obsessed. His view of justice is enslaving society to parrot his feelings as fact. 

[AUDIO] -  Roth defends the decision to ban @TheBabylonBee: "Not only is it not funny, it is dangerous" 

Kara Swisher, no fan of the Babylon Bee, gently disagrees -- noting that the account was engaged in satire. "It's still misgendering," Roth insists

He fully admits he is traumatized. And, he appears absolutely spiritually blind. The man actually believes J6 stands alone as an example of rhetoric leaving to violence. 

[AUDIO] - Truly incredible -- former Twitter executive @yoyoel, who just got caught fabricating a fake justification for censoring a media outlet, says the decision to ban Trump after Jan 6 was impelled by the "trauma" he and other "content moderators" experienced online that fateful day

Glenn Greenwald has a broader view . . . 

[AUDIO] - Glenn Greenwald: “From our live on Rumble last night -- in case you need a reminder of who the real and most destructive disinformation agents are (hint: they're not found on FB's QAnon boards or 4Chan but within the nation's largest liberal media corporations):”