The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Ready for the Climate Police?

Ready for the Climate Police?

THE THESIS: The Climate Police are real and the endgame is about constricting the food supply to the “food” The party patents and produces. They have done this before. The Covid Response Hoax was a behavioral kills chute to drive people into the control of The Party: no early treatment, no meaningful information, just scare tactics and all roads lead to the mRNA injections and “vaccines” passports.  


There is no shortage, there is abundance. The shortages come from evil people pursuing greed.

Exodus 16 - Manna and Quail


Great news for the Great Barrier Reef!

Meanwhile, Home Depot is running a Twitter ad bragging about its ESG creds - the comments are hilarious. 

Meanwhile, in Colorado . . .

The government locked the thermostat in the houses people thought they owned. They claim people signed up for an emergency energy reduction program . . . I bet that was in the small print. 

Glenn Beck: “If you want to see what ‘climate enforcement’ looks like, take a look at what Canada is building: A massive facility in the middle of Canada's agricultural heartland that will house everything from an armory and interrogation rooms to Biolabs and "controlled quiet rooms."

But, worry not - the Environment and Climate Change Ministry is anxious to set the record straight:

Environment Canada says online reports of 'climate police' are false … by the way, that’s a link to the Canadian Broadcasting, think NPR-Canada. 

Plus, Canada’s version of The party would never harm their citizens . . .

From the CBC: “Medically assisted deaths could save millions in health care spending: Report

The Covid response hoax was the Climate Catastrophe Hoax, but with the timeline sped-up, the money easter to make and the killing of people done more quickly. 

The WEF has pushed lockdowns for climate. Will they be as deadly as the medically useless, politically motivated, wealth-shiting Covid lockdowns? From a preprint new study by John Johnson from Harvard 

We find that the regulatory imposition and enforcement of statewide shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders conclusively correlates with larger health-status-corrected, per capita, all-cause mortality by state. This result is inconsistent with the hypothesis that lockdowns saved lives.”

While a precise estimation of the excess mortality due to lockdowns is beyond the scope of this paper, we can make a rough estimate based on Figure 6. The three most populous states(California, Texas, Florida) have above-baseline COVID-period increases of approximately 1 per 10,000. On the basis of one calendar year (52 weeks), and for a population equal to that of the entire USA, this would correspond to approximately 110,000 deaths, which could be attributed directly to the impacts of ordering lockdowns and which would not have occurred if lockdowns had not been implemented. This value is consistent with the lockdown excess mortality estimate of 97K/year by Mulligan & Arnot (2022)

Remember, CCP Tony pretends he never ordered lockdowns, which is a lie. The new Covid-Czar is just as horrific 

[AUDIO] - Joe Biden’s covid response coordinator Ashish Jha: “The goal in my mind is not to go back to normal, the goal is to build a very different new normal that has equity much more at the heart of it."

A “new normal”, Jha? Like this?

[AUDIO] - FBN's @EdwardLawrence: "The attorney generals [sic] from Missouri and Louisiana say there's a vast censorship enterprise across a multitude of federal agencies." KJP: "Yeah, I'm just not going to comment at this time."

Hey, look - this is getting censored in American media. I wonder why . . . 

More frightening news about fertility and the mRNA shots, this time from Singapore; Births are plunging EXACTLY on schedule, nine months after mass Covid vaccinations

The incredibly rapid uptake of vaccines among young Singaporean adults offers a natural experiment in the effect of mRNA shots on fertility. (Roughly 98 percent of all the jabs Singapore gave were mRNA from Pfizer or Moderna. Chinese vaccines used traditional inactivated virus technology made up the rest.)

Like other East Asian countries, Singapore is suffering severe baby bust. The average woman in Singapore has fewer than 1.2 children, barely half the birth rate needed to avert a long-term decline in population.

As low as the birth rate was, though, it had remained stable for a decade. Even Covid did not meaningfully change the number of births - 39,259 in 2019, 38,590 in 2020, and 38,672 in 2021.

In the first two months of 2022, Singapore received welcome news. Births actually rose about 7.5 percent.

Then came March. Again, Singapore began mass mRNA vaccinations of women (and men) of childbearing age in June 2021; March 2022 is exactly nine months later. In March, the increase in births abruptly reversed. Between March and June 2022 - the most recent month for which figures are available - Singapore has recorded about 1,000 fewer live births compared to 2021, a decline of 8.5 percent. The drop has been consistent each month. -- that’s a 16% drop! 

Oh, hey . . . this is being suppressed in America. I wonder why . . .  

New ivermectin study shows 92% lower chance of COVID death

[AUDIO] - From the makers of Plandemic, a brief film on Ivermectin . . . Dr. Pierre Korry approves of it