The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Satan’s Political Platform

Satan’s Political Platform


THE THESIS: The Democrat Party and the Satanic “Church” are in near-total alignment. Seriously, why would a political party based upon killing babies who are already born, chemically and surgically mutilating children, fostering racism, mainstreaming pedophilia and forcing people to give up their body’s innate immunity not also adopt a Satan-friendly approach? I mean . . . they hired a Satanist to run a department of health initiative! 


1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,

Titus 3:3 

For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.


Eliminate white people, peacefully if possible . . . 

The financial system is for people who worship The Party

JPMorgan Chase de-platforms National Committee for Religious Freedom; The bank demands a list of donors and preferred candidates.

He who has the most guns and is willing to use them mot irrationally makes the rules

The Same Day SCOTUS Squashes PA’s Illegal Ballots, Secretary Of State Tells Counties To Break The Law

Hatred is love

Pentagon equity chief praises book calling 9/11 first responders 'menaces' as she pushes for 'revolution'

DoDEA Director Tom Brady has said, 'Kelisa Wing is exactly the right person to lead our efforts... to support meaningful change'


New York Congressional Candidate Releases 'Sex Positive' Porn Video Starring Him

SOTA Weightloss

Your pleasure is the priority and all else is an abuse against you

[AUDIO] - A male middle school student in @ConejoValleyUSD allegedly masturbated in front of female students. When confronted by parents, the superintendent defended the male student and said he “doesn’t think that this is anything outside the norm.”

Everyone else has the responsibility to pay your debts incurred in service of your pleasures 

[AUDIO] - WARNOCK: The abortion doctor’s office is too cramped a space for the doc, a woman, and the U.S. govt. WALKER: There’s is also a baby in the room too. And he’s asking the gov’t to pay for abortions, so he’s bringing the gov’t in the room too.

Your feelings are your morals, anyone who feels differently is attacking you

[AUDIO] - Milk Pours are currently happening across the UK. All are concerned individuals calling on the government to give us a livable future, a #PlantBasedFuture. Here's the latest milk pour happening in Edinburgh

All lies are virtuous if they are lies about the body 

[AUDIO] - Updated #COVID19 vaccines are now recommended for everyone 5 years & older who has received their primary vaccine series. On today’s #DirectorDebrief, I discuss the importance of staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines as we approach the winter months.

Kids are sex objects & they are to hate their bodies 

[AUDIO] - GRAPHIC: Trans tiktoker shows off hysterectomy on display in a jar. This is what they’re doing to young confused people.

Rachel Queen Burton, an Australian #trans TikTok star, has been charged with eight child sex abuse offenses in Adelaide. On Thursday, prosecutors asked for the case to be adjourned for 10 weeks to allow prosecutors to further do an electronic analysis of his laptop.

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