The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
The answer is in the garden

The answer is in the garden


THE THESIS: We defeat The Party by divorcing The Party. From our own gardens, to our own health care services, we can do this, just like the early Christians did it. 


It was Christians who started the first hospitals and colleges. Dr. Stephen Meyer reminds us of our heritage in that regard. 

Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe

. . . We should divorce The Party and start God-centered enterprises. 


The bridge between the two episodes comes from a liberal, Hollywood actor:

Video: What Woody Harrelson says here sued to be true--if enough people stop buying a product the company will change--but that was before companies and government merged. Think of all the “products” and “services” you don’t want, can’t stand or cannot afford that government forces you to buy

But, the mobbed-up members of The Party are in the business of taking our money by force. We aren’t customers, we are products:

Peter Daszak has received another grant from the NIH…

. . . and that puts us in the position, as a nation, of being dependent upon nations whose leaders mean us harm, just that the EU is beholden to Russia. 

EU Announces “Emergency Measures” to Ration Energy Across Europe; German state TV ARD: “Germany is heading directly into a recession.” 

Video: Revolver: “Beattie gives Bannon straight dope in heated debate re: Nordstream and Russia…”

Yet, God did not create shortages, He created abundance. He did not tell us to live beholden to “systems” but in service of one another. The Lord did not tell us to prey upon each other, but to help each other. The answer to the abuses of The Party is to divest ourselves. 

Unplug the Mockingbirds, spend time in community. 

Unclog from the technocrats, start a Christian health service.

Jettison The Party’s fake foot shortage machine and join one of the many barter groups and support local grows. 

Sometimes the solution is so simple, it seems impossible next to a complex issue. But, often it really is that simple. Ask Jonathan Cain, one of the chief signwriters for Journey. He was unaware that Christ, Jesus was his writing partner until his own Dad passed way. 

Video: Jonathan Cain: I am second

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