The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
The Great Re-BRAND. The forever emergency gets a new, kiddie shield

The Great Re-BRAND. The forever emergency gets a new, kiddie shield


THE THESIS: The Party has installed the permanent emergency. Now, the emergency is “‘climate’ ‘refugees.’” 

But, the pattern is the same as Covid and “gender.” There are no “cures” save the most radical, invasive and harmful methods. The problem is your freedom and simple common sense and the “cure” is more power for them. Once again, God seems to be giving us the easiest pass/fail test in history: do we follow these despots or to we follow God?


Bill Graham's organization answers this question: “I heard that the Bible says the world is going to get worse and worse as the end of time approaches. Is that true? We've had some horrible crimes in our city lately, and I can't see how things can get much worse.” 

“Yes, the Bible does indicate that as the time for Christ’s return approaches, evil and social chaos may well intensify. The Bible says that ‘evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived’ (2 Timothy 3:13).

Are we living in those days? Only God knows the answer to that; the Bible makes it clear that we aren’t to predict the exact time of Christ’s return or claim to know when it will happen. Jesus said, ‘No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father’ (Matthew 24:36). The world has faced terrible times before, and so have God’s people.

At the same time, many of the signs or events that Jesus said must take place before His return are certainly in place. Never before, for example, has it been possible to penetrate virtually every corner of the world with the Gospel, as Jesus predicted (see Matthew 24:14).

Make it your goal to be faithful to Christ, no matter what happens in the world around you. We may be tempted to withdraw, or to react negatively to those who don’t agree with us. But God loves them, and He wants to use us to share the good news of Christ’s forgiveness and new life with them. Remember Jesus’ words: ‘As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work’ (John 9:4).”


AlGore wants to track “individual ‘emitters’” [read: people] with satellites and facial recognition because of the weather, of course.

Al-Gore Unveils “Radical Climate Transparency” Project at Annual Conference of Climate Alarmists

The goal is not to improve the condition of humanity in general, but to improve the bank accounts and status of the globalists attending this conference.

“Until now, most emissions inventories have been based on self-reported, often years-late data that relied on rough estimates, opaque methods, and inaccessible reporting. Government officials, scientists, investors, executives, and activists need better data to support the creation of policies, programs, and campaigns aimed at limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C as agreed to under the Paris Climate Agreement.

That’s where Climate TRACE comes in. We’re harnessing technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to analyze over 59 trillion bytes of data from more than 300 satellites, more than 11,100 sensors, and numerous additional sources of emissions information from all over the world. The result is a groundbreaking approach to emissions monitoring… one that is independent, transparent, and timely.”

Meanwhile, they flew there on private jets. They can choose one of two things: the climate is an combustion engine made emergency and is killing all people or flying in private jets. Their actions trump their words. 

Here are the new kiddie-shields. The same people who destroyed small businesses with a politically targeted, medically useless, deadly series of lockdowns, the same people who seek to murder more babies at even larger scale, who back chemically and surgically mutilating and sterilizing children are suddenly concerned about the lives of “the ‘little people.’” Again, their actions trump their words. 

[AUDIO] - Globalists Rebrand Illegals as 'Climate Migrants' to Further Their Population Replacement Scheme (Video)

It’s all Russia’s fault and the only cure is less freedom. 

[AUDIO] - Joe Biden: "Russia's war only enhances the urgency of the need to transition the world off its dependence on fossil fuels."

A bankrupt Nation has money to burn? Reality trumps their words. 

[AUDIO] - Biden says he wants to "provide $11 billion annually" to help third world countries respond to climate change.

The same people who pretend men are women now want to fund women. Their actions trump their words.

The Dictator of Washington, Jay Inslee, has failed at every single so-called carbon goal he set, even when he had 100% control as he did over the State Motorpool. But, he is still selling his schemes and traveling around the World.

[AUDIO] - Dictator Inslee: “we know where the ‘rubber meets the road.’”

What do many new, electric cars have in common? Kill switches and tracking tools. The goal is to blackmail you out of driving. Were it not, they could simply apply a usage tax to tires. 

Tracking devices? Did I say tracking?

[AUDIO] -  I remain even more convinced today, particularly with biometric technology. The world will move to biometric ID and they will do it because in the end, it is better for people.”

- Tony Blair, June 2021.

[AUDIO] - Credit Card Companies Are Now Officially Tracking Guns & Ammo Sales. (Visa, Mastercard, Amex)

When they are asked simple questions about their own lifestyles, they reveal the fraud. 

[AUDIO] - FLASHBACK: Trudeau explains how he's helping to reduce plastic use. "We have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of, water, out of, when we have water bottles, out of a plastic – sorry, away from plastic towards paper, um, like drink box water bottle sort of things."

Coming soon, the “new emergency” will be too much meat. In fact, The Party is already demanding farmers eliminate entire generations of ranches. 

Do small farmers REALLY need the feds to investigate how they feed their families? Petition to Clarify the Personal Use Exemption of the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA)

“This issue arose early in 2022 when we became aware that the federal Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) was threatening to impede on the “equal to” status of Vermont’s meat inspection program if animal share programs were written into law. In reaction to the threat, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) notified on-farm slaughter practitioners that in order to qualify for the federal exemptions that allow on-farm slaughter for personal use, all owners of the animal must conduct the slaughter and/or be present if they hire an itinerant slaughterer to process on their behalf.

VAAFM’s stance suggests that each and every owner of an animal would need to be present on the farm where their animals were raised to witness the slaughter if they want access to the meat that is harvested. In fact, Vermont’s on-farm slaughter law does not prevent farmers from organizing on-farm slaughter; it just prohibits them from assisting in the slaughter. This interpretation that requires that all owners be present for slaughter prior to animals being brought to a custom slaughter facility, if allowed to stand, would create an untenable situation for farmers and owners on whose behalf they raise the animals, and would grind local meat production to a halt.”

Meanwhile . . . 

Scientists Find That “Protein Hunger” Drives Overeating, Obesity

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