The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
The Mockingbird Media: Election Meddlers

The Mockingbird Media: Election Meddlers


THE THESIS: The media in America have one and one only full-time job: prepping the environment for collapse and control. Before we one day learn who won the election, the Mockingbirds demand we forget the “Safest, Most Secure Election in History” and go with their new message “Every vote can be hacked, every black, “trans”, same-sex attracted voter is being suppressed. 


2 Timothy 4: 3-5

“3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.”


As the Politico ran pieces like this, touting the Democrat as mature office holder . . .

Politico: Arizona's Dem governor candidate steadfast against debate; The race is between Kari Lake, who has denied the results of the 2020 election, and Katie Hobbs, who was secretary of state at the time.

Here’s what was actually happening an Maricopa County

[AUDIO] - So, the Dem nominee for governor (who refused to debate her opponent) is the current Secretary of State—in charge of running this election—and now…there are problems?

[AUDIO] - Here is a message from Chairman Bill Gates and Recorder Stephen Richer with an update for 

@maricopacounty voters on Elections Day.

[AUDIO] - CNN reports on voting machines issues in Maricopa County: “This is a technical glitch … No one is being disenfranchised. All those votes, all those ballots will be counted.”

And the Mockingbirds who said 2020 was “The Safest, Most Secure Election In History” want us to believe we simply forgot how to secure elections 

[AUDIO] - SORE LOSERS: Nets Warn of Foreign Interference, Violence in Midterms

Sunny Hostin, a lawyer, seems to catch herself before admitting vote fraud, but actually makes a good point about ballot security. BUT, this is the same place where any and all concerns about 2020 were met, not just with eye-rolling, but charges of being “pawns of Putin” for even suggesting there were reasons to doubt the election outcomes. Does she have any idea how small her ballot worry is to 5 states at 4:30 in the morning pretending to stop counting votes while Joe Biden got a statistically impossible number of votes processed for him? 

[AUDIO] - "I had trouble actually voting FOR HIM, absentee ballot today." Sunny admits she voted absentee in place of her son and whines that she had trouble doing it. "And that made me very concerned." She warned that they were putting them in an orange bag instead of an official box.


Dear Brother Todd,

You have allowed yourself to be a vessel for God's influence, a channel through which God continues to shine hope, grace and good judgment to our church body! For this I am so grateful to you my dear Brother!

I have felt an acute desire to share something with you that has been hanging around the edges of my heart for years now and it's time to let go of it. This isn't some therapy session (I couldn't hope to pay you enough if it was!) just something that really came to me strongly from today's sermon. Todd, I have been a true hypocrite in every sense of the word. No one could look at my life and see any difference between me and the most ruthless liberal out there! The only minute detail that separated me from them is political ideology...and that must not continue.

Today's sermon delivered a full eight coarse serving of conviction, smothered in a bitter-sweet conviction dressing with deep fried conviction fingerlings and served my choice of fresh from the garden butter leaf conviction salad or Maker's select conviction soup of the week. So from today I am ridding our vehicles of the stickers that advertise my failure to follow God's will for us; to abide in him and subject to our leaders, even when they are failures at leadership - even when following them means abandoning everything we have known and believed about our nation. For our true nation is the holy nation of God! Maybe others out there have similar have similar logos or placards that depict our disdain for the current leader of the free word. Todd these are mere distractions from what God would have us do, to live life in accordance with his will for us.

As a first step, I am disposing of "Liberals aren't totally useless...they make great fertilizer" "Liberals are not people!" "Hunt Venison in fall, Turkeys in winter but liberals year round!" "Let's go Brandon" and changing our license plate from anything other than "FK1NSLE". These things are not of God and I hope these are a first step in reconciling myself to a better relationship with my creator.

God bless you Todd!!

Darrin from Hayden

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Listening now to your show on KNTR 106.3 in AZ. You were talking about PTSD from different incidents. I suppose I'm still dealing with some from my husband's death from cancer because my eyes began to leak.

I used to tell people half jokingly that I was afraid of ambulances... because I was following it when he died.

Anyway just felt I had to share. Thanks.