The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
The Party is altering human behavior for the worse

The Party is altering human behavior for the worse

Episode 123, Hour 2

Be aware, be vigilant, take every thought captive. George Soros and kid’s toys - it’s behavior modification; the tinny, strange-sounding, pharma-modlen voice of a “teacher” describes, in detail, how to groom kids into sex clubs at school - behavior modification. 

THE THESIS: Satan cannot create, he can only twist. He is twisting language and, with it, meaning. That’s the spiritual front. The Culture War is being lost with language. Want to win? Stop using the language of The Enemy. 


2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

Revelation 22:18-19

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.


Biden transgender health mandate blocked by federal court in Christian alliance's appeal; Judge says no government agency should evaluate 'sincerity of another's religious beliefs'

[AUDIO] - I went undercover ops in a webinar meant to instruct other teachers on how to implement gender ideology to elementary school students through GSA (Gender and Sexuality) clubs held during school hours

[AUDIO] - No permission slips needed, just a “one way communication to home about our club” and “we intentionally left it broad in that it was a club about acceptance, tolerance, diversity and identity.”

[AUDIO] - An elementary school teacher describes how he uses a child’s curiosity to entice them to join his GSA (Gender & Sexuality Alliance) club. This dear Watson, is grooming. Listen to audio from my undercover op in a webinar on how to implement gender pseudoscience in K-5.

[AUDIO] - Wonder why Illinois locked down so hard & implemented vax passports? Billionaire Gov. Pritzker, partnered with the Soros Open Society. Facial rec in kindergarten. When people warn that the public/private fascist regime state has an interest in your kids, this is what they mean:


[AUDIO] -  WATCH: Pro-Abortion activist says mothers should be able to abort children after birth: “It’s going to always be her choice.”

[AUDIO] - PHX: Pro Abortion protesters scream “MASTURBATION IS MURDER!” at the Planned Parenthood Protest at the AZ State Capitol


[AUDIO] -  Pastor Jack Hibbs: As you watch what is happening in the world right now, are you discerning the times and the seasons? These are not the days of WWI or WWII. We are much further along the prophetic timeline.


Hi Todd, I just sent you a FB message but one thing I want you to know. You are making a big deal of your event in Bothell and it makes me think you are nervous about it. STAWP, you are a media dude and a podcaster extraordinaire. You have NOTHING to be concerned about. Just show up my man, be you, do you. All will fall into place. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. 

I am 2 years older than you, I lived your life man-I'm a GenXer like you. I would like to encourage you to keep on doing what you're doing. Please,however-reconsider your end times biblical perspective. It's ARROGANT to infer that we whom have lived a privileged life are going to be carted out in a Rapture spaceship. Hello-why and how? Consider the Analogy of Faith which tells us that Scripture interprets Scripture. The Rapture Crowd relies on like 2 verses and honestly they don't add up. True-we as believers are NOT appointed unto wrath. But that doesn't mean we won't experience a lot of crap as we are. "He who endures until the END (is the end when the rapture spaceship arrives?) shall be saved. The last TRUMP baby, not when things get uncomfortable. Why on earth would our Lord and Savior carry our pansy asses away but oh, meanwhile the real Heroes of the Faith suffered?
