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The SBC - Satan’s Basic Church? No. But, they are adopting pronouns while debating the Nicene creed.

The Black Awakening?

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Episode 1,667 - The SBC - Satan’s Basic Church? (AUDIO & VIDEO)

We’re gonna talk about the Southern Baptist Convention, but we got there by way of sharing a personal story from my family reunion. I was able to reconnect with a cousin this past weekend who has chosen to live as a man. Although we disagree on this topic, it was heartwarming to know that love really does conquer that. I had a great opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit work through me. On the topic of the SBC, while some of their leaders spout the lies deceptions of so-called “transgenderism”, they are debating if they can align with the Nicene Creed. I am not saying the SBC is part of the satanic movement—it is not!—but there is one, and it is loud.

What does God’s Word say? 

Mark 12:30-31

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”

Episode 1,667 Links:

Episode 1,668 - The Black Awakening? (AUDIO & VIDEO)

Listen to Episode 1,668

Is there a Black awakening happening in our society? It appears so now that Trump's numbers and support from black Americans has tripled. It is at 22% headed to 23%, and I think it will go higher. But there's also this: Caitlin Clark has shown the WNBA to be absolutely what it is. It is a grievance league, and there's a lot of people in the WNBA who need a different form of a Black awakening, an awakening to the evils of their racism. ESPN is saying the fact that people are gravitating to Clark is because she's white. She set record after record in college basketball, but is now being doxxed for being white and straight. Phenomenal. Did they gravitate to Michael Jordan just because he is black?

What does God’s Word say? 

Acts 2:38

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Episode 1,668 Links:

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