The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
To Kevin McCarthy: Cool story, Bro’. Now, please move aside, we are done pretending with you

To Kevin McCarthy: Cool story, Bro’. Now, please move aside, we are done pretending with you

THE THESIS: Kevin McCarthy is like a lounge singer playing Yesterday or Father and Son Reunion for the 4th time in a night. We need to flood the zone with godly people ready to be servant leaders. Churches and Christian communities should recruit people, help them run and take true Christian values into government. But, never do the reverse, never allow politics to enter the church. The Body of Christ must be united upon the Word of God and the assignment He gave us. We must enter politics to save souls, if we do that, we get the best second prize we will ever have: saving our Country. 


We need to be in the World, not of it. And, flooding the zone as Bible-led Christians to work in government is a way to be in the World and to help hold government to account and Bible-led Christian communities hold themselves to account

Billy Graham: In the World, But Not of It; We should have a redemptive relationship with society, as Jesus did

Imagine what will happen when we recruit, train and elect servant leaders l ike the ones described by the Apostle Paul

What Are the Requirements to Be an Elder?


Contrast and Compare: the War on America conducted by The Party’s globalists and the same as it ever was response from Kevin McCarthy 

The Party’s bosses held two summits in New York to announce the next crisis

[AUDIO] - Kevin McCarthy thinks he is coming across as on fire for America . . . MTG is right behind McCarthy. That is by design. I like her and I want to know what McCarthy gave her to be so visible. 

I will believe you are sincere when you take on the murders of Americans by your friends in Big Pharma

Fauci Mocked Mask-Wearers: 'Laughing Privately at the Americans He Was Fooling'

[AUDIO] -  Fauci admits schoolchildren suffered ‘negative consequences’ under ‘draconian’ COVID lockdowns; “Dr.” Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden's chief medical adviser, told a conference that the lockdown measures he helped create had caused damage to the economy and children's education.

Sometimes when you do draconian things, it has collateral negative consequences. Just like when you shut things down, even temporarily, it does have deleterious consequences on the economy, on the school children, you know that,” Fauci said at the event, hosted by The Atlantic magazine.

[AUDIO] - Fraudci also knew that asymptomatic transmission was not a thing. This is during a C19 Taskforce Briefing on Jan 28, 2020. - Thanks to listener Jay for relocating this clip for me!

More people have been dying this year due to irregular heartbeat, official figures suggest; Excess deaths, or extra deaths, are the number of deaths that are above the long-term average for a particular week or month of 

Let me know when you are ready to recognize the fact that The Party is rigging elections, Kevin.

Left-Wing Group Writes Playbook For Biden’s Federal Takeover Of Elections

[AUDIO] - Legal group files 2 IRS complaints against Mark Zuckerberg for contributing hundreds of millions of dollars in an effort to take control of key local election offices before the 2020 U.S. Presidential election

the year.

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ DROPS A BOMB! Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 – Spring This On J6 Attorneys Less than One Week Before Trials

Good luck making any changes when The Party owns the institutions, Kevin . . . but, then again, you are part of The Party: 

Rasmussen: Reports out now that the Trump declassified Crossfire Hurricane records naming Obama, Clinton & Biden are the real DOJ priority in the Mar-a-Lago raid case. Their priority - make sure the public never sees them despite Trump’s deliberate declassification to expose actual crimes


Please pray this week for these men and their families:

John writes:

I'm not great with words . I love God , my family, people and America. I listen to your podcast everyday . I need prayer for God to show me the way I need to go. I am a alcoholic and it saddens me I haven't always been a good father to my children and just a good man in general.please pray for me and my kids I pray every day that I can be a better man I'm not sure I'd be here otherwise. I appreciate your honesty and candor. I know I have it in my to be a better man. Thank you for being a truth teller.”

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Special Forces [nickname I chose for him] writes: 

Mr. Herman, I am a Christian active duty soldier who needs your help. I am currently going through marital problems, I am a sinner and have been trying to better myself for years. I am currently attending counseling to fix better myself, I asked my wife to give it a try and she says she only needs her bible to fix herself. I agree with her that the word of God is our bedrock, but I believe she would benefit from a third party to listen to her. I am a former special forces soldier, I’m injured from previous wounds and other injuries, I have nothing and no one left to turn to. My wife is an avid listener of your podcast, please help me.”

PS: Special Forces and I are in touch via email.