The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Vanderbilt and America’s other Mengeles (and, yes, that comparison is absolutely spot-on)

Vanderbilt and America’s other Mengeles (and, yes, that comparison is absolutely spot-on)


THE THESIS: Mutilating children in pursuit of eugenics and transhumanism is equally horrific if done for ideological, occultist power like Joseph Mengele pursued, or for profit and ideological power like Vanderbilt “ University did--and effectively admitted to doing--I have said for years that, in my experience, Children’s “Hospital” also does to kids. 


1 Corinthians 14: 33

33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.


Those of us who have been fighting the battle a decade have known about the irreversible harm of these drugs for just as long. How are doctors and parents getting conned into allowing this? Wait and see . . .

Report: Puberty blockers foisted upon minors proven to have devastating, irreversible effects

This young woman will tell you how the gender-jackers emotionally blackmail terrified parents with a vicious lie. It works because it’s hard to believe anyone would become a doctor and then harm kids for a living. But, we are a nation that performs abortions and industrial scale, we did award the icepick lobotomy and kids were, in fact, given DDT . . . 

[AUDIO] -  Chloe Cole speaks for tens of thousands of young women

But, why is medicine doing this? Again, for veterans of this fight this is old news. For others, it’s a shock! Matt Walsh uncovered what Vanderbilt University decided to do to children because it was profitable. This is happening all over America and it has been for a decade, 

BREAKING: After my report, Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic has deleted their entire website. Literally the whole thing. They’re removing everything.

My team and I have been investigating the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt here in Nashville. Vanderbilt drugs, chemically castrates, and performs double mastectomies on minors. But it gets worse.

[AUDIO] - Vanderbilt opened its “trans” clinic in 2018. During a lecture the same year, “Dr.” Shayne Taylor explained how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it's a "big money maker," especially because the surgeries require a lot of "follow ups

Why don’t good doctors speak out? Because their careers may be killed. 

[AUDIO] -  Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. “Dr.” Ellen Clayton warned that "conscientious objections" are "problematic." Anyone who decides not to be involved in “transition” surgeries due to "religious beliefs" will face "consequences"

Gender-jackers are the most militant, favored, special group on earth. They installed a spy program at Vanderbilt to make certain no one questioned why they were mutilating these children. 

[AUDIO] -  In case the objectors hadn't gotten the memo, Vanderbilt unveiled a program called "’Trans’ Buddies." The "buddies" are trans activists from the community who attend appointments with “trans” patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against "unsafe" behavior such as “misgendering

Vanderbilt makes their “Trans” Buddies available to children, too. They make lots of "services" available to children, including chemical castration. Though at some point in the last month they removed explicit admission of this fact from their site. Here's the archived screenshot

Vanderbilt apparently deleted their entire website once Walsh caught them. But . . . 

[AUDIO] -  But they must have forgot to delete a video from Vanderbilt Psychiatry’s Youtube channel back in 2020 which admits explicitly that they will give and have given irreversible hormone drugs to children as young 

as 13.

[AUDIO] - After they have drugged and sterilized the kids, Vanderbilt — as explained in this video presentation by plastic surgeon Julien Winocour and Physician’s Assistant Shalyn Vanderbloemen — will happily perform double mastectomies on adolescent girls.


A friend shared a hopeful insight that really convicted me. She spoke of godly schoolteachers at her kid’s school and how there still exist places where teacher do what’s right. 

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