The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Which betrayal is the worst and when will people realize the evil of Pharma?

Which betrayal is the worst and when will people realize the evil of Pharma?


THE THESIS: Pharma the dark heart that drive The Party’s maniacal assaults on us. This week, Pharma purchased a victory in California that is nothing more than legalized kidnapping; they are also a step away from purchasing another victory, also against God’s family design and His biology. 


Satan’s Native Language


Which is the worst betrayal? 

Betrayal A: With this indefensible act of arrogance and (willful) ignorance, Pharma took an important step toward forcing kids to get injected with their mRNA clot-shots, unless parents refuse to send them to “schools” that require it. ZERO OTHERWISE HEALTHY AMERICAN KIDS DIED FROM COVID. The risks of the clot-shots outweigh any benefit for kids. 

[VIDEO] - It was a unanimous vote, 15-0: Do you see the mentally ill person wearing a Woke Mask on a Zoom call? 

Dr. Robert Malone on what this means. 

The ACIP Vote Today and What This Means; The big vote is tomorrow.

Betrayal B: California will let a divorced parent completely void ANY OTHER STATE’S custody agreement if adults or a child pretends the kid is what Pharma calls “transgender.” AND, the separate Country of California will make the “gender” “affirming” “care” an EMERGENCY. Chris Bray lives in that Country: 

Shocking Perverse Incentives in SB 107; re-reading California's "kidnapping bill"