The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Your $ → Ukraine → Blackrock = Laundering

Your $ → Ukraine → Blackrock = Laundering

THE THESIS: The Party loves foreign wars because war is good business, good control and great graft


Psalm 37:13

“. . . but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.”


“Distrust of Government” is Bad for You, Claims Study

Austrian Defense Minister Warns Europeans Are Unprepared For Coming Days-Long Blackouts

Pete Buttigieg warned months ago about potential Christmas airline chaos; The So-Called Transportation Secretary was informed in August of the "escalating pattern of airlines delaying and canceling flights"

Traitors; Congressional Republicans think lining Zelenskyy’s army-green pockets with more U.S. tax dollars is a greater need than tackling any number of ongoing crises roiling the country right now.

Zelensky Announces Ukraine Will Participate at WEF in January, Reveals Coordination With Blackrock For Reconstruction

Zelensky increases censorship on news, media in 'democratic' Ukraine; The 279-page bill gives the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Ukraine's state-sponsored censorship organization, increased power to regulate news media both online and in print.

[AUDIO] - 18 GOP Senators voted last week to fund programs and language that will prevent us from securing the border, instead of using the power of the purse to demand border security and more. The American people are looking for leadership and the Senate GOP (minus few) is failing them

[AUDIO] -  Kari Lake with Larry Elder: "They had to bring in, we have whistleblowers and evidence proving this, 300,000 ballots that came out of 'who knows where?' They have no chain of custody and pump those into the system. Then two days after the election, 25,000 additional ballots show up."

Flashback: Previous Arizona Gubernatorial Election Was Overturned

Top FBI official let romantic relationship ‘disrupt workplace,’ report finds

Prosecutors Say JP Morgan Chase 'Facilitated' Epstein's Sex Trafficking Network; New Lawsuit alleges bank personnel knew about Epstein's illegal dealings and failed to take action

[AUDIO] - 'The fact that this huge proportion are considering leaving the NHS just shows how dire working conditions have become.' Dr Natalie Rout says the NHS 'has already collapsed', as the BMA reveals that 65% of junior doctors have actively researched leaving their job.