The Todd Herman Show
The Todd Herman Show
Zach Abraham fact-checks the Figurehead of the United States, Joe Biden

Zach Abraham fact-checks the Figurehead of the United States, Joe Biden

THE THESIS: The people who run Joe Biden have created the first White House that cannot tell the truth. I mean that literally: they cannot speak a single truth. This has devastating spiritual implications. 


Who Is the Father of Lies? From the beginning of creation, Satan has been the father of lies. With the lie in the garden of Eden, Satan led Eve and Adam to the fall of mankind. Lying is Satan’s primary weapon against us all. He uses this tactic to confuse us, leave us hopeless, and twist God’s Word. He wants us to doubt the goodness of God.


They simply refuse to give us our data. When the Figurehead says he is working from one of his beach homes, the people with whom he visits is ours to have:

Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home

The people who run Joe Biden cannot afford to tell the truth about the economy they are purposefully wrecking. Zach Abraham untangles all of this in the ‘Cast. 

[AUDIO] -  Biden: "Let's debunk some myths: My administration has not stopped or slowed U.S. oil production."

[AUDIO] - Doocy: "The President's endorsed candidate for governor Stacey Abrams is suggesting that one way to mitigate the effects of inflation is to get an abortion. Does President Biden agree?" Jean-Pierre: "I'm not going to comment on that."

[AUDIO] - “In 2020, when Congress was debating funding for replenishing the SPR at a low price, Democrats blocked it — saying that it was a bailout for big oil. But Biden said today it would be a good deal for taxpayers [to fill it now].” Jean-Pierre: "It was a different time.