Stacy should contact Brad Dacus at Pacific Justice Institute! (Pji.org)

My heart breaks for her, and I literally shook the entire time while watching this interview. Stacy is a strong woman. I pray for God to grant her peace and comfort, and victory over those who stole her husband from her.

Hospital protocols almost took my life in eastern WA state. I was the one doing the researching (and listening to you Todd) in my family. I don’t think my husband believed me, and he still thinks I was bad enough that the hospital protocols were warranted. My story started the month after Ryan’s; I was 49 and admittedly overweight. I went to the ER in Dec. ‘21 at the insistence of my husband, his mother, and our family doctor. My husband and I had both had covid the week prior, with fevers. I had taken ivermectin, but apparently not a high enough dose. I never once had difficulty breathing, but my oxygen saturation was falling into the 80s. I was admitted (and talked down to for not being vaccinated) and almost immediate started on Remdesivir. I knew about Remdesivir and did not want it, but let the doctor talk me into it because he said I could stop it at any time and that they would monitor my kidney and liver function. I was told ivermectin would not work (I knew this was a lie). I took Remdesivir for two days (they give 2 doses on the first day, then a single dose each of the following days) then refused any more because it was making me sick to my stomach. The doctor kept telling me I was getting better, and that I would probably be there just a few more days. He never told me I was going downhill. My husband was not allowed to see me even though he’d had covid at the same time I did. On my 6th day there, they decided I was having too much trouble keeping my oxygen above 89 (still no physical difficulty breathing though), and put me on a BIPAP. Within about 15 minutes, the room was full of medical personnel and I was told I had failed the BIPAP and had to be ventilated. I did not want to be ventilated and refused to be without talking to my husband first. It was late at night, and he didn’t hear his phone ring. I told the doctor that I knew 80-90% of those put on the ventilator die. She said that in that hospital it was more like 50-50. I wasn’t impressed with those odds. She finally got ahold of my husband around 5 am. I got to speak to him for only a couple minutes, but he wanted me to accept the ventilator (like I said, he didn’t understand...). I was sedated and ventilated right afterwards.

I spent five weeks on the ventilator, during which time I was put on a multitude of drugs to decrease, then increase, and try to stabilize my blood pressure. I was on propofol, fentanyl, midazolam, antipsychotics, etc. At some point my husband was finally allowed to visit. After 2 weeks, they started telling my husband that they needed to do a tracheostomy to prevent infection from the tube going down my throat, but they wouldn’t do it unless he signed a DNR for me. He thought about that for 2-3 days, and signed the form. I was on the ventilator for a total of 5 weeks, and in the hospital a total of 7.5 weeks. It is an absolute miracle that I’m still alive, and I know it is only because of the prayers of many people, including some I don’t even know. When I did wake up, I was paralyzed and had to do physical therapy. And I still required oxygen. Most of the nurses in the hospital were wonderful, as was one of my physical therapists. One nurse told me that I was their bright light. Most patients didnt’ make it. I gave them hope. A couple medical professionals prayed with me. I can’t say the doctors were wonderful. The one who discharged me actually said to me, “I hope you’ll get vaccinated in the next couple of months.” I just smiled, fearing if I disagreed, they’d vaccinate me on the spot. They had wanted to put me in long term care, but thank God, no facilities nearby had any room for me.

My 2 kids (11 and 15) still have their mom, praise God. My husband still has his wife. I’m able to do most everything I did before. But the ventilator did damage my lungs. I’m 9.5 months out of the hospital and still require supplemental oxygen. It was 24 hours/day when I first came home. Now I still need it at night and whenever I am up moving around (not just sitting). I think the improvement is more due to becoming able to do everything with less required effort than any substantial healing of my lungs. I hate being tethered to a tank or machine. But I am so thankful to God that I’m alive and home with my family.

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Good job not getting vaccinated, who knows what would have happened then. This sounds like a far better outcome to me.

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So she now claims he never even had covid? Why does her story keep changing? Impossible to tell fact from fiction with her.

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from the story, sounded like he had walking pneumonia

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Covid pneumonia... He tested positive 🤷‍♂️

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Nice looking beard

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why didnt she take her husband out of that place? that is the first thing i would have done, besides getting friends and family there to the hospital to stand up against these people! None of this makes sense to me! Both my husband and I refuse to get tx at any hospital! ever!

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That is a part of the problem. Hospitals have been given insane powers to hold people. I know many people have had to have attorneys spend weeks fighting to get people out. The hospitals also get to keep others out, only one visitor, etc. That is what Stacy didn't want Ryan in a hospital.

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