Congratulations to you Todd Herman and to Radio America.

A match made in Heaven.

God Bless.

How do I pick the radio show up in the Marysville WA area?

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Congratulations and a couple of questions. Will this broadcast be different than what we hear on the podcast? How do I find Radio America or what can I do to get local stations to air the radio show?I'm in PA & DE (right near our leader's beach home town.)Thanks!

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Congratulations Todd on the launch of your show nationally. God bless brother.

Knight Mike from Bothell

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CONGRATS, Todd! I can't wait for your debut on Radio America. I've contacted WJR 760AM in Detroit and encouraged them to get on the Heramnation train. We'll see. Loved the interview with Rich McFadden. You practically had me in tears when talking about Rush. We all miss him so much. Even after all this time, we still remember him like it was yesterday he was on air. May you have God's good providence in this new adventure!

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